Thursday, November 30, 2006

Fairfax County's Program Auditor - One Office That Works

John Adair, Fairfax County's program auditor, reporting to the BoS, is one unsung hero. The last time I checked, John had but a three-person staff, including himself. A new WaPo story indicates that the Office has been working to identify and remedy county employee thefts of gasoline and diesel fuel. The story indicates that, possibly, as many as 75,000 gallons could have been stolen. At $3 per gallon, that's $225,000 -- hardly equivalent to taking home paper clips or making unauthorized use of a county copier for one's daughter's school report. This is serious, big-time theft.

John's office has also been involved investing other thefts and embezzlements. They proposed the plan to reduce the size of the county motor vehicle fleet -- which has been flouted by employees, including county sheriff Stan Berry (shame on you) and worked with Gerry Connolly and the other supervisors to solve with vendors that have failed to deliver the goods.

This is one county office that pays for itself many times over. The office was created a number of years ago at the behest of citizen groups, including the McLean Citizens Association.


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