Sunday, September 24, 2006

One-Note Ideologues -- The Washington Post Editorial Writers

Webster's defines idealogue as: 1) an impractical idealist and 2) an often blindly partisan advocate or adherent of a particular ideology. Either definition fits the people who write editorials for the Washington Post. Today's (9/24) foolish editorial on transportation funding in Virginia clearly demonstrates the Post's scribblers' devotion to taxes as the one and only solution to each and every problem in Virginia.

The Post rants about the refusal of the Virginia House majority to endorse the ill-thought plan of Governor Tim Kaine and the Senate to raise taxes again by $1 billion for transportation. As with each and every other editorial by the left-wing idealogues, this one ignore real issues in favor of higher taxes.

For example, the Post has never addressed the issue of VDOT's lack of internal cost controls. The Post, which has a cadre of good reporters, has written stories about VDOT's enormous operating problems, but refuses to address them in any editorial, preferring that we simply give more of our paychecks to Richmond.

I find it interesting how the Post regularly blasts the role of lobbyists in government. Yet, the same group of intellectually dishonest writers sweeps the influence of lobbyists on the Commonwealth Transportation Board under the carpet of higher taxes. I guess that lobbyists influencing the federal government, the D.C. government, Maryland government, etc. is wrong. But it is commendable for Virginia land speculators and developers to hire lobbyists to steer transportation tax dollars to fund roads and rails to locations that benefit real estate plans, rather than to address transportation problems. It must have something to do with higher taxes.

The Post supports development fees in Maryland, but certainly not in Virginia. At least not when taxes could be raised! Your inconsistency has not fooled all of us.

The Post is a top-notch paper with some very excellent reporters, but its editorial staff lacks basic intellectual honesty when it comes to Virginia issues. Let's get some people on staff who are more than one-note idealogues on tax increases.


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